Building the Confidence to Lead. The Importance of Intellectual Wellness for Women

Introduction by Host: Dr. Gee

This week in our series on Holistic Wellness, we are looking at Intellectual Wellness. This month is also International Women’s Month. In celebration, this week’s blog is dedicated to the women of the Thriving Generation. What does thriving intellectually look like for a woman in today’s society? Dr. Bertha Serwaa Ayik joins us today to share her journey and some advice on thriving intellectually.

Guest Bio

Dr. Bertha Serwaa Ayik is a Ghanaian doctor. She works as an infectious disease doctor in Fargo, North Dakota. For the past year, she has also served as the President of the Ghana Physicians and Surgeons Foundation of North America.

Q: How did being noticed as an exceptional student early in your life impact your intellectual wellness?

This question allows me to talk about something that I was not aware of at that point in my life, and that is the difference between sponsorship and mentorship. When you’re a mentor to someone, the person is looking up to you to learn something. A sponsor is someone who sees potential in you and opens doors for you. My teacher was my sponsor, and opened doors for me to thrive in my intellectual wellness.

Q: How do we build ourselves intellectually?

One of the things I’ve learned on my journey is the fact that leadership is not about what you do, but about what you are. The first lesson during my program was about my identity. As a woman, your first thing in leadership is being yourself, and identifying yourself as a leader. Even if you do not have a position currently, define yourself as what you want to be. You do not have to look for affirmation from anyone else, but believe in yourself, despite the criticism. Nobody else can do that for you.

Q: What are some of the challenges that you have faced?

Women make up around 75% of the medical workforce. When you get up to where decisions about healthcare are made, the number drops down to 5%. There is a stigma that women face when it comes to intellectual pursuits. Women are not less intelligent than men, but since men have always been the leaders, there is a natural bias towards men in fields where intellectual pursuits are concerned.

Q: What are some tips you have for overcoming challenges intellectual wellness?

I think your results and output will come through in the long run. Society has begun to shift away from the male-dominated workplaces and I think that will continue to balance out. You will have to make sacrifices. For me, that was sleep. I had to get up early in order to do the things I had to do, and still have enough time for my intellectual pursuits. You have to commit to your work and pursue it diligently.

Closing Thoughts

When it comes to intellectual wellness for women, you need to believe in yourself. I have looked throughout the world, and the most successful people in every sphere are self-confident. Greatness comes from knowing who you are and being confident in your identity. When you embrace who God made you to be, you will thrive in every area of your life.

By Dr. Gee, Success and Holistic Wellness Advocate


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