Critical Mindset for A Successful Entrepreneurship


What does it take to become a successful entrepreneur? It starts with your mindset. Today, Christal Beeko shares her journey chronicling some successes and challenges, and offers tips for successful entrepreneurship.

Guest Bio

Christal is the Events Planner and owner of INEN Limited, a thriving event planning company known for their unique, stylish and modern designs. She is also an Instagram influencer, home gardener, and homeschool box creator.

Q: How did you get into work that you love?

When I was in uni [university], I heard this saying: “If you find work you enjoy doing, you’ll never work a day in your life.” I took that to heart, and recognized very early that I liked planning events and doing some journalistic work. So, I started from there. I started with taking pictures at other events, and slowly worked my way into decorating and planning events on my own. I love visualizing things and organizing a space.

You also have to look at the needs of others. When COVID happened, my event planning business slowed down. I began to look around for what people needed, and homeschooling boxes really stood out to me. So, I began to experiment with creating my own boxes. And it ended up being successful, with people around the world ordering my boxes.

Q: Were you intimidated stepping into new areas of work?

I was more concerned with having the energy and capital for each business. Every new project you work on takes energy, and that means you have less energy for your current projects. The same goes for capital and resources. Starting a business requires a lot of planning and resource management, and that initial jump can be scary. But when you look back, you often think, “I should have done that sooner.”

Q: Have you encountered challenges, or has it always been smooth?

Ha-ha, I wish. There is always a challenge somewhere. Even with events, you have challenges with getting your name out there and with your vendors. I started out under charging for my services, just for getting my name out there. Developing your relationships with your clients and growing that trust is one of the biggest challenges you will face as an entrepreneur.

Q: Did you have the fear of your employees leaving and starting competing companies?

I have never had that fear. I got one piece of advice from a friend when I first started, and it has stuck with me to this day. She said, “There’s enough to go around to all of us.” What she was stating is that there are so many people that there are enough events to provide for several event companies. So, there’s never been the fear that I won’t have events to work at, even if people I work with start planning events on their own.

Closing Thoughts

For those who want to be entrepreneurs, it is vital to strategize in order to achieve your goals. If you do not have a plan, you are planning to fail. Set some deadlines, set some goals, create a visual representation of what you want to achieve in your life. Once you have your goal, work towards it one step at a time. It will take time, but anyone with the desire and the passion can create businesses that thrive!

If you love what you do, your clients will see it through your work.


Exploring Self-Identity


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