How to Find Peace from Within

Introduction by Host: Dr. Gee

How can we find peace from within? The times we live in are chaotic and uncertain. Times before us may have been more difficult, but that does not diminish our current struggles. Starvation, poverty, job loss, sickness, and many more ills affect us as we go about our lives. Despite this, we can still find peace in our environments.

Point 1: Control What You Consume

The first step to creating peace in your life is to control what you consume. The information you consume is very important. What you consume is what comes out of you. Do you focus on the wars and hunger and suffering in the world? That will make you depressed, angry, and stressed. What you consume for news, music, tv, and social media influences what you think.

Point 2: Find Your Boundaries and Protect Them

It is important to set boundaries in our lives. There are things that you do not want to do and things you know you should do. What do you have in place to keep you on the path you desire to travel down? Do you have a limit on how much social media you consume? Are there activities you will not be pressured into doing by your friend groups? Determine what lines you will not cross, and set boundaries to keep yourself from crossing them.

Point 3: Building on Your Strengths

There are a lot of negative things going on, but what is good in your life? How can you use what you know and what you are good at to influence your world for the better? Can you learn a new skill to improve yourself? Work on building up your strengths, and you will feel more confident to tackle the stressful situations of life.

Point 4: Becoming Adaptive

In an everchanging world, being adaptive is essential. The recent pandemic is a good example of this. Those who could not adapt to working from home and the health restrictions suffered more than those who were prepared to adapt to the changes. When it comes to our lives, we cannot allow ourselves to get stuck in a rut. If you are currently struggling with a new situation in life, can you adapt and overcome?

Point 5: Get Support to Manage Your Stress

This is linked to the friends you have, the people you work with, and those who are around you on a daily basis. Nobody can know everything and everyone has different life experiences. Let’s learn from each other and help each other grow. Burdens are easier to carry when many people share the load. Surround yourself with people who will help you and who you can help.


We can choose to do well in life. There is peace, but you have to be conscious about creating it. The world thrives on chaos and stress, but we do not have to live that way. Make changes to live a more peaceful life. Choose to thrive every day!

By Dr. Gee, Success and Holistic Wellness Advocate


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