How to Set Achievable Type C Goals


Goals help us grow. We need something to look forward to, something to motivate us to move forward in life. Without a goal to strive for, we just wander through life aimlessly. What kinds of goals should you set to motivate yourself? How do you go about achieving them once they are set? Join us today as we discuss goals.

Point 1: Three Types of Goals

  1. Type A Goals

Type A goals are goals that you have done before and you know that you can do. You know the steps to take and you know what success will look like.

  1. Type B Goals

Type B Goals are goals that you have done before, but you know that you can accomplish. If you make a few changes in your life, but you know what to change to complete the goals, that is a Type B.

  1. Type C Goals

Type C Goals are goals that will stress and stretch you the most, but also motivates you the most. It is something you have never done before and have no idea how to accomplish it, but you really want to achieve this goal.

Which goal should you strive for? All of them are good, but why settle for a goal that you already know you can achieve? Why not strive for something bigger and better than where you currently are? I would recommend choosing a Type C Goal.

Point 2: The Importance of Planning

Without a clear plan, a goal is just ink on a page. You need to have clear steps to take in order to achieve any worthwhile goal. What can you do right away to start working towards your goal? Can you start looking at colleges if your goal is a Master’s Degree? Can you outline a book if your goal is to write? Think about your goal and what you can do to begin by the end of the day or week.

Point 3: Goal Cards

A goal card is just a simple card that you write your goal on. The real use of a goal card happens when you place the card in a place where you can see it many times throughout the day. Put one in your wallet, your car, or any other place you frequent throughout your day. Make multiple copies, and place them all around your house, and you will be motivated to think about your goal often.

You can use a simple notecard or make the card yourself. I tend to use old, unused Christmas cards as a base. I use an ID card to trace the size needed to fit in my wallet, then I know I can carry the goal card around with me easily.

Point 4: Having the Right Mindset for a Goal

While it is exciting and motivating to have goals and to want better things from life, we need to be careful that we are not ungrateful for what we currently have. I always start my goal cards with something that cheers me on and encourages me. The importance of having a heart of gratitude and joy, whether you are a Christian or not, cannot be overlooked.

Another thing I put on my goal cards is the word “Discipline.” Discipline is the ability to give yourself a command and follow it through. Without discipline, you will never achieve your goals. Having the constant reminder to be discipline will itself lead to stronger self-discipline.

Point 5: Break Down Your Goals

While a Type C Goal may seem intimidating, there are some ways to make it achievable in your life. The first tip I have for you is to break your goal down into parts. If you have a large money goal you want to achieve by the end of the year, start by dividing that into monthly or weekly goals. You will be surprised how easily your goal will be completely when you break it down. Do not be afraid of your goal.


We all have things that we want to achieve in life. It could be something small, or a huge change in your life, but either way, we need to be intentional about our goals. Without a plan, your goals will remain unfinished. Make a change today, write your goal card, and get to work on your goals!

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