How To Stay Organized & Balanced as a Content Creator

In order to thrive in the online market, it is vital to stay organized and be able to balance our personal and work lives with the content we desire to create. Today, Prince Boadu gives us his opinion on these things.


Prince Boadu is a supply chain professional and a social entrepreneur. He has done pharmaceutical supply chain work, worked across multiple industries, and is the co-founder of Kumasi Hive (a hardware innovation hub). Prince also runs a YouTube channel that focuses on business, tech, and inspiration content, including the People Who Inspire video podcast.

Point 1: How To Balance Family, Work, and Content Creation

For Prince, there are three main areas of focus for any content creator: Purpose, Development, and Mindset. Purpose is about why you want to create content. It is the driving force behind why create what you create. It is deeper than needs (money) or wants (fame). Development is being aware of talents you have beyond the obvious ones (the ones that pay the bills). It is good to have abilities that bring in money to provide for you, but in order to thrive in creating content, you need to be aware of other abilities you have and take steps to grow them.

There are two mindsets you can have in content creation: Fixed or Growth. A fixed mindset is one that is confined to natural talent and ability. You only see the talents you are currently using. The growth mindset, on the other hand, sees what talents can be developed. People with the growth mindset are able to use daily practice to improve talents a little bit at a time. 

Point 2: Practical Steps for Planning 

For long term planning, Prince is not concerned with planning out the nitty-gritty of everything he wants to do. You do not plan too far ahead; you cannot know what your life holds that far into the future. The world changes so fast. The pandemic changed how online content works, but nobody could have seen that coming. Being too tied to a plan makes static, and not able to deal with the rapid changes in life. (Having five-year plans, or something similar, work for some people, but not for others.)

In short term goals, Princes uses Google drive and Google docs for overviews. For each topic he wants to create content about, he will make a google doc, then research and keep notes in a single, easy to access place. Another resource is the TickTick app. This free app has an Eisenhower Matrix, which is like a checklist that helps you prioritize your tasks. Prince says that prayer and meditation are also essential parts of short-term planning. He gains a tremendous amount of inspiration from these two things. 

Eisenhower Matrix For Decision Making

Being busy does not equate being productive. We are always moving around, but are we actually accomplishing what we need to accomplish? Prince uses the Eisenhower Matrix as a way to ensure his activities are actually productive.


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