Mental Freedom Series 2 - Stretch and Serve - Developing a Service Mindset


Today is the second week of our series on mental health. We are going to discuss stretching and serving. Why would you want to stretch beyond your current comfort? In what ways can you serve others today? Let’s get into it!

Point 1: Stretching Beyond

We are in a society that values comfort. Once we reach a place in our lives where we are comfortable, we are encouraged to settle down and live in that safe place. However, you could go much farther with the right push. It is amazing how much we can do, when we force ourselves to stretch beyond our immediate comfort.

When we are in a time of stretching, we feel like we are always at the breaking point. And then we stretch a little more. And then a little more.

Point 2: Serving Others

Serving is improving the quality of life for others. What can you do to enrich the lives of those around you? Do not think about if they can pay you back or what you will get in return (either immediate or in the future). That may come in time, but your focus should be on other people

Movie stars and top athletes make a lot of money, and it can be tempting to think about how unfair it is that is. Why should they make more for a single movie or season than you make in five years? However, they are providing a service for others. They found a way to serve the entertainment needs of millions of people and are being rewarded for that. What can you do to serve those around you.

Point 3: How to Stretch and Serve

Practically, what can you do to stretch yourself? One tip I have is to select one service. You will have many things that you could do, but unless you pick one to focus on, you will not grow in any of them. The second tip is to allow yourself to dream. Bob Proctor recommends sitting down on a cool day and just staring at the sky.

If you have a skill that you are good at, think about how far you could take that skill. If you are at the regional level, could you take it to the national level? What about an international level? The internet has allowed us to reach people around the world. You are not tied to your physical location.

Point 4: It Starts With Mindset

We talked last week about attitudes. You need to have a service mentality; not a money mentality. If you are only focused on the money, you will not grow. You could sell a product that is unsafe, even if people show interest in it, but is that the person you want to be? When you are focused on what other people have a need or desire for, the money will come. When it is the other way around, your money will be fleeting.

Point 5: "Failing Is Not a Shame"

“Failing is not a shame. What is a shame is repetitive failure, if you do not learn from it.” That is a quote from Carlos Ghosn. Most of the time, we are scared of failure. This fear keeps us from even starting in the first place. Allow yourself to fail, because you will learn from it and try again.


I recently heard a story about a man who went to Jamaica. When he got off the boat, a man greeting them saying, “Welcome to Jamaica, we have no problems here.” The traveler was doubtful. The Jamaican man explained, “We don’t have problems, we have situations.” That simple shift in mindset changes everything. When we see events around us as problems, we tend to give up. If we looked at them as situations, then we begin to look for solutions.

Today, try looking at recent events in your life with this mindset change. What situations can you provide the solutions for? Where can you stretch and serve? Look at those around you, and help them thrive! You will be surprised at the change in your own life.

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