Mental Freedom Series 4 - Five Reasons Why Goals Fail


It’s week four of our Mental Freedom Series, and we are talking about goals today. Why do goals fail? What can you do to avoid these pitfalls in your own life? Nothing can stop a goal that is well planned, so join the Thriving Generation today and learn how to prevent your goals from failing.

Point 1: Who is a Goal Achiever?

A goal achiever is a person who knows what they want to do and will not let anything or anyone stop them. There will be challenges and distractions, but a goal achiever will always work around it. The goal may be delayed, but it will be accomplished. Would you consider yourself a goal achiever? If you are obsessed with your goal and think about it constantly, then the answer is yes.

Reason 1: Lack of Vision

When there is no clear vision, your goals will fail. You set a goal, and then second-guess your reasons for starting. If you know something needs to change, but you cannot give a specific thing or plan for changing, then this applies to you. For example: you want to be rich, but you do not have a set goal or a financial plan.

Reason 2: Lack of Prioritization

We all have several things that we want to change in life, and that is a good and normal thing. Healthy dissatisfaction is a key part of being human and is often what leads to improvements in the world. If everyone was satisfied with wired telephones, we would not have cell phones today.

In order to achieve your goals, it is vital to only focus on one or two goals at a time. Your subconscious mind is healthier when it only has one or two things to work on at a time. Having 20 things you are trying to do at once will lead to you feeling overwhelmed and not able to finish any of your goals. Prioritize the goals you want to achieve the most, and you will be surprised at how much you are able to accomplish.

Reason 3: Holding on to Old Paradigms

We all grew up with certain ideas and beliefs that shape how we unconsciously see the world today. How can we move beyond those limitations? The first thing is to let go of fear. The fear of failing and the fear of the ‘impossible’ will prevent you from making a change. The biggest risk of trying something new is the financial side. Even if your idea costs you and you lose money, you will still have learned from the experience.

Reason 4: Implementation and Execution

Ideas are easy. Everyone has ideas for accomplishing their goals. Where it becomes a challenge is implementing and executing those ideas. Have you ever found yourself pushing your goals down the road? If you always say, “I will start working on that tomorrow,” you will never get anything done. Today, what can you do to start working one of your ideas.

Reason 5: Lack of Mentoring

Following through with goals is hard. When we do not have anyone to support us in our journey, it is very easy to give up. Just having someone to talk to and hold us accountable drastically increases the success rate of achieving your goals. Find somebody who has accomplished a similar goal to you and ask them to help you achieve the goal in your life.


These are five of the most common ways that people fail in their goals. I hope that you take the tips and advice I shared to overcome these challenges in pursuing goals in your own life. We want to be goal achievers. Today Take some practical steps today to further your goal!

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