MENTAL FREEDOM SERIES. Week 5 - Unlocking the Greatness Within You (2022)


It is the fifth and final week of our Mental Freedom Series! Today, we are focusing on unlocking the greatness within you! What does it mean to be great? How do we achieve greatness in our lives? Join the rest of the Thriving Generation today for our discussion.

Point 1: How Do You Become Great?

First of all, what does it mean to be great? According to Google, greatness is defined as, “the quality of being great, distinguished, or eminent.” So how do we accomplish this in our lives? After looking at many great people, there is a simple answer: Serving Others. It can come in many different forms, and you have many areas in your life that you can serve in.

Another way to become great is to maximize your gifts. We have all been given something by God, but it is your decision on what you will do with those gifts. Will you keep your gifts hidden and stagnant, or will you cultivate them and strive to strengthen your skills? The choice is in your hands.

Point 2: The Purpose of Life is to Make Things Better

As Robert Kennedy said, “The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better.” God did not bring us here to be selfish and keep our gifts to ourselves. We are designed to share our abilities with others and use our skills to improve the lives of those around us. If those who are skilled in building kept their gifts to themselves, then where would you be living right now? Not in a house! Today, how can you use your gifts to improve the world around you?

Point 3: Encouragements

You may feel like you do not have a gift, but that does not mean you do not have one. It may just be that you do not realize the gifts you have. The best way to find out your gifts is to serve those around you. As you fill a need in other’s life, you may be surprised what gifts arise within you.


For the past 5 weeks, we have been learning to break free from the labels, expectations, and limitations that hinder us from thriving. We have been learning to identify and embrace our own identities and uniqueness. As the year comes to an end, what are some practical changes you can make to improve your mindset. When your mindset is trained to thrive, you will to continue thriving in your life!

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