Mid-Year Reflection for Goal Achievement

When working on long-term goals, it is important to take time along the way to reflect on the journey so far. The most common time to do this is the mid-year, but it can happen at any time. What makes a good reflection period? What questions should you ask of yourself? Join us for this discussion today!

Point 1: Gone or Done?

You may have started your goal at the beginning of the year. If that is the case is your that period of time gone, or is it done? Have you failed to accomplish your goals and the time has been wasted, or have you accomplished what you set out to do? Even taking consistent steps may be enough to qualify for a done.

Point 2: Resetting

If you have wasted that time, what can you do to ensure you move forward in the next few months? Hit the reset button, make some changes, and move forward with your goal. Do not be discouraged that you did not accomplish what you set out to do. Failure happens to everyone on the success journey. Those who make it to the end are those who pick themselves up and keep moving forward.

Point 3: Do Not Obsess Over Perfectionism

It is easy to tell ourselves, “I can’t do this well enough now, so I will not even try.” Do not go for perfectionism. Just get it done. You will not be perfect when you start. Obsessing over perfectionism, whether with the quality of the work or the ideal timing, will not help you accomplish your goals. Get it started as soon as you can.

Summary/Closing Thoughts

Today, take some time to reflect on your goals. Have you made significant steps, or has the time gotten away from you. If the latter, choose to reset today. If the former, continue pushing forward. Nobody can achieve your goals but you. Choose to push forward and thrive in your goals this year!

By Dr. Gee, Success and Holistic Wellness Advocate

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