Planning For a Successful 2023!


It’s a new year! It’s an exciting time for me, and an exciting time for you. We have the opportunity to try things again and to start fresh again. It is time to let the mistakes of the last year go and begin to focus on what is ahead in the new year.

Today's lesson will be based on the "6 Ingredients for Increased Energy, Balance and Focus" by Michael Hyatt. These are also known as the "Six Rs of Rejuvenation," and are found in his book, “Free to Focus.”

Why is Energy Management Important?

We all have many things we want to do in the next 12 months, and they all require energy. Hyatt writes, “You will never be as productive as you need or want to be unless you have sufficient energy.” We can have all of our goals written down and planned out, but if we do not have the energy do accomplish them, they will not get done. So, instead of starting off the year talking about goals, I think we need to talk about energy management first.

Ingredient 1: Rest

The first ingredient of productivity is rest. You may be surprised that the first thing to do in order to increase your productivity is to rest. It is true! In order to do more, you have to be rested. Getting to bed at a good time and taking naps throughout the day are both essential in staying rested. Pay attention to the quality of your sleep as well. Are you getting up in the night and getting on your phone, or are you sleeping deeply throughout the night? It is recommended to get 6-8 hours of good sleep every night.

Ingredient 2: Reflection

What does reflection mean in the context of energy management? Just take a pause. Give yourself the space to think through the day and the decisions you have made. Think through your successes and ideas. Taking a moment to reflect on your life will save you time and energy in the long run.

Ingredient 3: Relationships

There are many people around us, and it is time we start paying attention to them this year. Some people do not deserve the energy we spend on them, and some people need us to spend more energy on them. If you want to do more than last year, pay attention to the people around you and the people you spend your energy on. Your family and those around you are more important than those on social media. Choose your relationships wisely.

Ingredient 4: Refreshment

This is about what is going on within you physically. What are you eating and drinking? What do you consume on a daily basis? If we are honest with ourselves, we know that there are foods that we should not be eating or foods that we should not have in large quantities. There are some food combinations that hinder your energy, and some combinations that give you a boost of energy. Choose to eat healthier this year.

Ingredient 5: Recreation

This is not anything expensive. There are so many things we can do to stay physically active that do not require you to spend money. Go for walks during the week. Play games with your children. Energy comes through activity and exercise. Do not say that you are too tired to exercise. Force yourself to move throughout the day, and see how your energy increases.

Ingredient 6: Rules

Have rules for yourself. You are the boss of your own life. If you do not have any guidelines for yourself, you will not do any of the things we have talked about today. There will be no results if you do not have rules that you follow. Examples of rules for yourself could be:

No phones when you are with your children.

No TV unless the whole family is watching a movie together.

Saturday is a day for no work

What other rules can you think of to benefit your life this year?

Summary/Closing Thoughts

There are only 24 hours in a day, 168 hours in a week, and 8,760 hours in a year. How will you spend those hours this year? What will you do to ensure you have the energy to live a good life? Use these 6 Ingredients in order to manage your energy, balance, and focus this year. Maximize your energy use in the next 12 months and live a thriving life!


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