The Mindset That Wins

Our mindsets how we see the world. How we respond to tragedy and successes in our lives is directly related to our mindsets as well. So, how do we shape our mindset to be beneficial and not harmful to our lives? I was recently interviewed on The People Who Inspire Series by Prince Boadu to discuss this important topic.

Q: What was your motivation for getting a Ph.D.?

I didn’t grow up wanting a Ph.D. I finished getting my Master’s degree, and then my husband, who has a Ph.D., and I moved to the United States. I was just going to find a job, but I had some friends and mentors who encouraged me to pursue a Ph.D. It worked out very well, since the job I was pursuing collapsed. As an international student, that could have been very bad for me.

When it comes to deciding on a Ph.D., between passion and reason, there is a balance to it. If you just decided based on passion, you may not have a job. If you decided on reason only, then you will be miserable. Take what is available to you, but do not lose sight of your passion.

Q: How have you adapted to opportunities in academia?

I was never at the top of my class, but I always took advantage of opportunities that came my way. Like I said about the Ph.D., it wasn’t my original plan but it was available to me. When it came to my books, I could not find books in my original language for my children. I tried to order some from Ghana, but they were not very good. So, I had an opportunity to do it better and I took it.

Q: What is a Thriving Mindset?

The easiest way to explain a mindset is as a set of beliefs. Your mindset is the set of beliefs that you have picked up throughout your life and are now settled in like cement. Every value and attitude you pick up is part of your mindset. Personally, having a thriving mindset is being flexible. We do not know what will happen tomorrow. Make the best of today, and do 1% better tomorrow.

Q: How can I curate what content I consume?

I would throw this question back at whoever asked: “Where do you want to go?” To use travelling as an example, if you are going to Dubai you have to prepare differently than if you were going to the United Kingdom or Africa. We are not all the same journey, even if there are similarities. Once you know where you are going, you know what content you should consume to form your mindset the way you want.

Q: How do we identify our potential?

It would be nice if God sent us a message saying, “Here is all your potential, go and get it done!” When I started doing my videos, I had never done anything like that before. I had considered starting for a while, but fear stopped me from moving forward. Eventually, I reached a point where I realized I did not want to live through fear anymore. I had that desire in my heart, and I have been given the gift of life, so I should use that gift to the best of my ability.

Q: Does growing up in Ghana limit the activities that can reveal your potential?

Yes and no. Yes, there are some activities you do not have access to in Ghana. I think we sometimes think we are limited because we are looking outside of Ghana and comparing it to other countries. All the things that America has available are not available in Ghana, but we can still use our potential in the same way that they can.

Ghana has different resources than America. In one way, if all we want to do is be America, we will be unable to do that and feel like our potential is limited, However, if we to pay attention to our culture, we can create several things that are unique to the resources we have. We cannot be America or the United Kingdom or any other country, but we have opportunities to make our country the best that it can be.

Q: How can we discover the potential of those around us?

People are trying to improve themselves. For our children, having the flexibility for them to explore their potential is great. Let them explore what they are good at and what they enjoy. Do not force them into what you think is best or what will get them a job in the future. Have room for flexibility and do not be afraid to let them fail on the path to success.

Summary/Closing Thoughts

We are all on our own journeys and there is not a single method for having a healthy mindset. Our backgrounds are different, but that should not stop us from succeeding in life. Do not wait to take steps towards cultivating a thriving mindset. Move beyond survival, get out there and thrive!

By Dr. Gee, Success and Holistic Wellness Advocate

(57:48 - Where to Follow Dr. Gee)

(1:00:00 - Outro)

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