The Power of Affirmations


This week, we are talking about positive affirmations? What is affirmation? How does it affect our lives? Let’s dive in.

Point 1: What Are Affirmations?

Affirmation is defined as declaring or stating strongly a firm belief. We can use affirmations to foster a new belief or a new attitude. Another way to look at it involves our two ways of thinking: our conscious mind and our unconscious mind. The conscious mind is where our thinking goes on, and the unconscious mind just accepts whatever the conscious mind provides. Affirmations can be used to move an idea or a thought from the conscious to the unconscious mind.

Point 2: Repeating Affirmations

In order for affirmation to be effective, it needs to be repeated over and over again. Just wanting something to move from your conscious to your unconscious mind will not make it happen. Just like any skill, affirmation needs to become a routine part of your life in order to make an effective change.

Point 3: How Affirmation Works

Affirmation starts with believing in yourself. You need to know yourself. Know where your weaknesses are and truly desire to improve yourself. If you do not believe in yourself, it will not work.

Affirmations should be spoken in the present tense. It may not be accurate yet, but affirmation is not used to describe where you are now, but where you would like to be. Speaking it in the present tense begins to shift your perception of yourself to believe what is said about you.

Point 4: Examples of Affirmations

If writing out your own affirmation seems daunting, do not be afraid to look up what other people have used. That does not diminish their effectiveness. Listed below are some examples to get you started:

“I can do anything I set my mind to.”

“I am confident in my abilities.”

“I don’t have to be perfect; I just have to believe in me.”


As we often talk about in the Thriving Generation, success starts with your mindset. Affirmation is a good way to change your mindset from one of defeat and stagnation to one of success and achievement. Affirmations must be achievable, relatable, and adapted to your needs, but do not be afraid to use the examples of others. People have used affirmation in order to improve their lives; use their examples to thrive in your own life.


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