The True & Practical Meaning of Self-Care


With the increasingly stressful schedules and diseases shortening lives, it is very important that we take care of ourselves, our health and wellbeing. What is self-care and why is it so important? Join us today as we discuss this vital area of our lives.

Point 1: What is Self-Care?

I define self-care in my own way. For me, self-care is intentionally paying attention to your health and well-being. Doing the things that we have to do, and doing them well, is self-care. We all have things that we worry about, but if you do not take care of yourself, you cannot accomplish those things. Take care of yourself!

Point 2: Myths about Self-Care

1. Self-care is Very Expensive. There are certain groups that push for an expensive approach to self-care. They advertise taking vacations or using expensive foods or a number of other ideas. This is a myth. Self-care can be as simple as going on a walk every day, or getting a smaller dessert. Those things will not cost you anything.

2. I Do Not Have Time. It is easy for us to feel overwhelmed with the stuff that we have to do, and to feel like we do not have time for self-care. This is another myth. On average, people spend 3-4 hours on social media every day. You could spend 30 minutes of that time working on self-care instead. You have time, but you need to be intentional about setting aside some of it for self-care.

3. Self-care is for Women. Self-care is not gender biased. It is about your health and your well-being. No matter who you are, you need to take care of yourself.

4. The Young Do Not Need to Rest. The energy of youth seems inexhaustible sometimes, but it does have a limit. Make the effort to budget your energy over the course of your life, and do not burn through your early years just to be worn out in your middle and later years. Take some time to rest and recover throughout the week.

5. Self-care is Selfish. Taking care of yourself is how you prepare yourself to live your best life. When you do not take care of yourself, it has a negative effect on you and those around you. It is ok to take a break and relax. Those around you will appreciate it as much as you do.

Point 3: Keeping it Consistent

There are certain times in life where self-care is easy. At the beginning of the year, it is easy to set goals and have time set aside to take care of ourselves. However, as the year goes on, it is easy to brush off self-care as unimportant. In order for self-care to benefit you the most, it needs to be a consistent part of your life. If you only take care of yourself when it seems easy, you are not going to be the best version of yourself possible.

Point 4: Thriving Together

Community is an important part of self-care. Everyone thinks that they can manage their self-care by themselves, but that is very rare. Find a community that will help you thrive in your life. If your self-care involves physical health, find other people who share that goal who can hold you accountable.


Self-care is the beginning of success. Take care of yourself and be intentional about setting time aside for this purpose. Do not kill yourself trying to gather material wealth. Pay attention to the life you have, and appreciate this gift of life that you have been given. Find a community to help you, and we will all thrive together.

By: Dr. Gee


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