Thriving as a Woman in STEM
Introduction by Host: Dr. Gee
Women are greatly outnumbered in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) fields. However, there are a few women who have made in this area. It is therefore a treat to have Dr. Rhoda Afriyie Mensah, a Researcher in the Fire Engineering field share her experiences with the Thriving Generation.
Guest Bio
Dr. Rhoda Afriyie Mensah is a researcher at the Luleå University of Technology in Sweden. She works in the division of fire engineering.
Q: How did you get into this career?
I was very good in school, and that led to people encouraging me to get into engineering. I applied for school in that field and was accepted. There were over 90 students in my class, and only six of them were women.
Q: What challenges have you face on your career path?
I was told by one of my professors that they were hard on me because I was a woman. If I did too well, I would have too much control. That affected me a lot. It made me lose my passion for a time. That has been my greatest challenge.
I have also had to balance family and career, which has been difficult. If you want to advance your career, you have to give up some of your family life. You work for long hours, and balancing that with spending time with your family with only 24 hours in the day is a challenge.
Q: What opportunities have you had in STEM?
We don’t have a lot of women in these fields, so applying for positions is a little bit easier than for men. There are grants for women who want to go into STEM, so that makes things easier. Since there aren’t many women in STEM, those who are get to be trailblazers, which is very exciting to me.
Q: Do you have tips for those interesting in getting into STEM?
Be prepared to work hard. I wish that I knew it was difficult, and I would have to work hard to succeed. Keep in mind why you are there. Knowing why helps you build your confidence, since you have a target and a goal. And don’t be afraid to speak up. Just because you are a minority, don’t succumb to pressure to be silent. Mentors also help build you confidence.
Closing Thoughts
It can be daunting to be in the minority of your career field. Do not be afraid to speak up and let your voice be heard. The challenges will be many, but the rewards will be as well. Now is a great time to pursue a thriving career in STEM!