8 Ways to Live a Holistic Life - A Wellness Guide

Introduction by Host: Dr. Gee

We are wrapping up our series on Holistic Wellness today. Over the last few weeks, we have been looking at the 8 areas of life and discussing how they play a role in your day-to-day life. This week, we will go over all the areas again in summary, and talk about how they work together in order to help you live a thriving life!

Point 1: What is Holistic Wellness?

Holistic Wellness is a balanced and sustainable way of life. It is not a product. It is not a technique. You cannot learn about Holistic Wellness and it instantly fixes every problem that you have. It takes constant effort to sustain.

Point 2: 8 Ways to Live a Holistic Life

1) Physical Wellness. Some people enjoy vigorous physical activity, while other people enjoy a more relaxed approach to physical wellness. Both ways are good. Consult with your doctor and find out what the best approach to physical wellness is for you.

2) Intellectual Wellness. We do not all need to read medical books to be intellectually well. Expand your intellect in the areas of life you are in. Learn what other people are learning in your area and work together.

3) Financial Wellness. Do not be content living paycheck to paycheck. If there is an emergency, it is good to have a financial cushion for yourself.

4) Environmental Wellness. Recycle where you can recycle. Have plants at home. Do not buy clothes that you do not need. Think about the next generation.

5) Spiritual Wellness. Take time to figure out who you are. Find your purpose and what gives you peace. Examine what you believe.

6) Social Wellness. Be aware of who you let into your life. We need people in our lives and we need people to connect with, but do not carelessly let people into your life. Be intentional about who you spend your time with.

7) Emotional Wellness. Let those close to you know how you feel. Be able to express your emotions in a healthy way. Do not let emotions run your life, but it is just as important to not constantly stifle your emotions.

8) Occupational Wellness. Participate with activities that fill you with purpose and joy. Find work that agrees with your values and that you enjoy. If you work just drains you, it may be time to find new work, or reconsider your approach to your work.


This week marks the end of our Holistic Wellness Series. We have had a wonderful time exploring the different dimensions of health and discussed many helpful tips on how to live in holistic wellness. As you go through life, strive to keep all eight of these areas of wellness balanced. It is a process to find that balance, but once you do, you will have a thriving life!

By Dr. Gee, Success and Holistic Wellness Advocate


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