Why Social Wellness Matters in Today's Digital Age

Introduction by Host: Dr. Gee

We are continuing our series on holistic wellness today, looking at how to thrive in every area of our lives. Today’s topic is social wellness. In the digital age that we live in, what is the role of face-to-face relationships? Why do we need to be social anyway? Akua A. Asomani-Adem is with us again to share her experiences in developing social wellness.

Guest Bio

Akua A. Asomani-Adem (called AJ by those she works with) is a former behavior therapist from Ghana. She has experience studying in both the United States and the United Kingdom. Currently, she is a doctoral student at Indiana University and a doctoral intern at Kennedy Krieger Institute.

Q: Why is it healthy to develop healthy relationships with others?

From personal experience, developing relationships has transformed situations that would have ended badly. When I first moved to Indiana, the friends I made are still connections that I have today. Keeping relationships going adds a lot to my life.

Q: What was your social wellness like when you were an international student?

This is the beauty of living in the age that we do. When I was living away from my family, I was always just a video call away from seeing them. I have even set up video dinner dates with my friends around the world. Take advantage of the resources that are available to you.

Q: Have you had experience with withdrawing from unhealthy relationships?

Of course. Making friendships and then leaving them behind to make new ones is just a part of life. For me, the biggest one was leaving the church I was attending. The impact it was having on me was not healthy. I was feeling pressured to please the leadership instead of developing my relationship with God. I’ve also had friends who have had a different view of our friendship than mine, which led to disruption of that friendship. I would say, enjoy the friendships you have while you have them, but be willing to leave them behind if needed.

Q: How have you been thriving socially in your life?

When I moved, I made it a goal to be social. At least once a week, I do a social activity. I also hang around places where I can meet others with similar interests as mine. For me, that is the library, but it will vary from person to person. In these ways, I can branch out and meet new people, and at the same time, be able to keep up with the different aspects of my life.

Closing Thoughts

Don’t beat yourself up when it comes to your social life. Life’s circumstances sometimes mean that we cannot be as social as we would like to be. Give yourself some grace. If you are honestly trying your best to be social, then be willing to accept the time that you have.


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