This is a life well lived.
Bob Proctor - Not much formal education but he took the initiative to change his life and as a result changed the lives of many around the world.

I was introduced to Bob Proctor’s materials by a dear mentor and leader in 2018. It was a time that I was mentally and emotionally stressed about my life and career path, so I reached out to my mentor to discuss what I at that time perceived as my life predicaments.

After listening to me for a while, she asked if I knew about personal development and self-help resources. I did not!

Prior, I had been listening to random motivational messages and teachings, but I was not necessarily following a particular author/teacher or principles. I also didn’t realize that personal development required a conscious effort until then.

Knowing my faith and values, she suggested Bob Proctor and a couple more trusted authors and resources on personal development. I loved Bob immediately.

I started listening to his messages on YouTube, proceeded to purchase his pragmatic six minutes to success program for 6 months, then later enrolled in his one-year mentoring program, the Bob Proctor Coaching Program in 2021 for a structured mentorship.

Bob was an incredible teacher. He always encouraged us to share what we were learning from him with others.

Indeed, Bob Proctor was a gift to our generation.

Bob Proctor. Image Source: Proctor Gallaghar Institute

Sending love and prayers to his family and loved ones.


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