Mental Freedom Series 3 - Finding the Right Leaders and Mentors


In this third week of our Mental Freedom Series, we will be taking a look at leaders and mentors. We all follow people, whether consciously or unconsciously, but how do you find a mentor that is right for you? Which leaders should you take advice from? We will discuss all this and more in this lesson.

Point 1: Why is Mentorship Important?

It is very unlikely that we will succeed on our own. Even if we do, it will take a long time and we will make many mistakes along the way. There are people out there who have already gone through what we have gone through. It would be amazing if we could reach out and learn from their example.

Point 2: The Difference Between a Leader and a Mentor?

A leader is someone who directs an objective or a goal. The leader is the one who we go to with our problems, and one who will light the way. A leader also empowers people, inspires those under them, leads change, and shares a vision with the group.

A mentor is slightly different. A mentor is a person who can support, counsel and guide someone with less experience. A leader can direct a group to complete a task, but not all leaders can mentor others to do the same.

Point 3: Finding the Best Match

How do we find the mentor or leader who will benefit us the most? There are a few things I would ask you to consider. First of all, ask your friends. Ask those around you what they see in your potential mentor. They may be able to see things that you cannot.

The second thing I would suggest is to look beyond your local area. Whether it is in another city or around the world, there are people everywhere who are great examples that we could follow. Do not limit yourself to your immediate surrounding when looking for good examples to follow.

Faith is another area to consider when searching for a leader or mentor. It is not that people outside of your faith cannot help you. In fact, many of them have good habits that you can learn from. However, it is important to find people, especially personal mentors, who share your faith.

Point 4: Who Do You Want to Learn From?

The mentors you follow should be people you want to be like. If you are looking to improve your finances, find someone who is an expert in that area. You may really admire someone else for their skill at cooking, but that does not mean you should follow their advice on finances. Learn to separate a potential mentor’s skills and expertise from your personal admiration for them. Follow leaders who lead in their area.

Point 5: Resources

I wanted to close out this week by sharing some resources with you. The following list includes many authors and topics, but I have found them all to be helpful for the topic of leadership and mentors.

The Self-Confidence Formula by Napoleon Hill

The Book of Proverbs

As a Man Thinketh by James Allen

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki & Sharon Lechter


If you want to see results in your life, you have to take action. In this series so far, we have talked about attitude and the need to adapt, but we cannot see success until we take action. Believe in yourself, and push yourself to thrive!

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