How to Thrive on LinkedIn: How to Attract a Good Job on LinkedIn

Every social media platform has a different mindset. For Edward Asare, a successful digital marketer and LinkedIn Influencer, the platform that is the most useful for online creators looking for a job is LinkedIn. It is a platform that is designed to showcase your talents and work experience. Asare shared several tips with us on how to thrive on LinkedIn.

  1. Make sure your profile is complete.

With the rapid expansion of social media, the amount of fraud that is present has increased as well. Your potential employers are aware of this fact, and are very cautious about approaching new workers. If you have a complete profile, there is information that they can check and verify. 

  1. Add skills to your profile.

This goes along with the first tip. When you add skills to LinkedIn, you will show up in searches. So, if a company is looking for a social media manager, and you have that skill listed, you will be visible in those search results. If you leave skills blank, or just put them somewhere else, it is unlikely that you will appear in many searches.

  1. Request recommendations.

If you have done work for others in the past, ask them to write a recommendation for you to share. If employers are interested in hiring you, they may look to see who else has worked with you in the past to get their opinion. Having that publicly visible is very helpful for them and shows that you are not being dishonest about your past work experience.

  1. Create content.

This may seem obvious, but it is very true. How else will people know what you are capable of? Show your past work on your profile so others can see what you are capable of. If it is similar to the type of content that employers are looking for, it drastically increases their interest in you.

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