The 5 Deadly Mindsets the Hinder Success


An often-overlooked area of success is the mind. Many resources will focus on step-by-step guides that assume your mindset is already ready for your journey. This week, we are looking at five deadly mindsets that hinder success. You need to get rid of these ways of thinking if you want to move forward in your success journey.

Point 1: Money as a Measurement of Success

This is a deadly idea to have for one simple reason: there is no universal definition of success. You decide what success means to you. For some people, that is money. Having a set amount in your bank account may be the end goal for you. For others, it may be getting a Ph.D. For others, it may be to have a healthy family. You have to sit down and think about what the definition of success is for you.

Point 2: The Environment or Family Determines Your Success or Failure

We cannot deny that the environment and our families do have some impact on us. But there are many people who came from poor environments or backgrounds who are making it in life. That means that we can do something about our environments. Your past may be filled with hardship, but our progress forward does not need to be completely defined by those hardships.

Point 3: Resources and Success are Limited to a Few Fortunate People

Resources are not limited (sorry economists!). There are many more inventions and ideas that we have not discovered yet. There is so much more to be done. There is so much more to improve on. There are unlimited opportunities, which means nobody has your unique opportunity!

Point 4: Poverty is Humility

Sorry to disappoint you: poverty is not humility. There is no pride in struggling. Your desire to have extra resources, extra money, or anything else to help your family or community is not a bad thing. Why would we not see that desire as a noble thing to pursue?

Point 5: What if This is My Destiny?

If you are in a situation where you are not living your full potential, that is not your destiny. You may be in a position where you are struggling, but that is not your destiny. Very few, if any, people can say for sure what their destiny is. We can only go day by day, pursuing and doing what we can to thrive.


These are five mindsets that hold us back from our success journey. We do not want to be hindered in any way, and taking control of our minds is one of the first steps you can take. Choose a mindset to help you thrive!

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