Occupational Wellness || Tips to Improve Your Work-Life Balance

Introduction by Host: Dr. Gee

We all want to do well in life and make an impact on the world around us. For most people, their lives are centered around their work. But what are some ways to thrive in your occupation? What steps can you take to thrive in your workplace and career? Join us today for this exciting aspect of wellness.

Point 1: What is Occupational Wellness?

Occupational wellness has many sides to it. It includes allowing yourself to explore various career options, encouraging you to pursue the opportunities you enjoy the most, and doing exactly what you want to do in life. It also helps you keep a healthy balance between work and leisure.

Point 2: Work/Life Balance

The most talked about aspect of occupational wellness is work/life balance. When you are striving to improve your occupation, it can be tempting to put all of your time and energy into that effort. On the other hand, if you enjoy your work, it is easy for that to be the only thing you ever want to do. It is important to be able to enjoy your work, but be able to leave it at the office (or wherever you work) when the workday is done.

Point 3: 5 Tips for Improving our Work/Life Balance

1) No Perfectionism. None of us will have a perfect 50% - 50% work/life balance for any stretch of time. If you are in college, balancing school and personal activities will always be challenging. If you are older, you may be married and have kids. That is a challenge too. When it comes to a healthy balance of work and personal life, shoot for 60% - 40%. If you are getting close to the 60% in favor of work, it may be time to shift your focus to your personal life, or vice-versa.

2) Find a Career You Enjoy. It is very tempting to make all of your work decision based solely off of money. After all, money is the reason you are working in the first place. However, if you are miserable at work, you will not enjoy the free time you have. If you have a toxic work environment, you will always be dreading going to work. That is not a healthy way to live. Find something you are passionate about, and pursue that, even if you could be getting more money from elsewhere.

3) Set Boundaries. When it comes to people or to work, boundaries are important. Some people or places just drain the energy out of your life. Identify these energy drainers and set boundaries to limit the time you have to spend inside those areas.

4) Set Weekly Achievable Goals. It is easy to set long-term goals. It is much harder to get anywhere without having short term goals along the way. When you have small, manageable goals for every week, it is amazing how much progress you will make on your long-term goals.

5) Unplug. We are human. We will get tired and worn out. Give yourself permission to take a break. That could mean going on vacation, or just taking a vacation of the mind. Take a break from your work, and enjoy it. Do not make yourself miserable during breaks by thinking about work. When you take time to relax, the times that you are working will be much more productive.

Summary/Closing Thoughts

Maintaining a proper work/life balance is essential to occupational wellness. If you work too hard, you will burn yourself out. If you refuse to work at all, you will not have what you need to have a healthy life. Take some time today and work out how you can begin to bring your work life and your personal life into a thriving balance.

By Dr. Gee, Success and Holistic Wellness Advocate


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